“In the beginning . . . “

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Prescient ~
adjective: having prescience, or knowledge of things or events before they exist or happen; having foresight.

The prescient economist was one of the few to see the financial collapse coming. The above definition comes from dictionary.com though I suspect Webster and the like will appear similarly. I engage this word along with the beginning of a serious religious text because we have no escape from the consequences of a future rolling forward, toward us. I can’t help but think of Dr. Pat Rose from the Graphics Dept. at Clemson when I was a grad student there. “Begin with the END in mind” was his dictum, his madate to us all when we’d inadvertantly poised our work to fail for not keeping such a simply concept handy while completing a project.

Thus begins the Old Testament used by Christians; the Talmud used by Jews. It is followed by “…was the Word.” In as much as you are here reading, the language we have in common is our single, greatest tie, n’est pas? (Then, of course, we were all born and will all die, but that’s for later.)

Herein begins an attempt to regularly write. My audience? Why, me of course! The point is that other may read too. I have children and grand children. They matter. It is with patience and honesty that I attempt to share revelations, observations and musings, beginning now, with you, gentle readers.







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